Monday, March 11, 2013

Saturday, 3/19/2013

Game Day

Warmup - DUs and mobility, a few burpees for efficiency
5 sets - 3 TnG snatches, 75# (2 power, 1 full)
3 sets - 3 TnG snatches, 135# (all power)

MetCon - CF Games Open WOD 13.1
40 burpees
30 snatch, 75#
30 burpees
30 snatch, 135#
20 burpees
30 snatch, 165#
10 burpees
As many as possible snatch, 210#

150 total reps, tiebreaker 14:57, #1242 in North Central region out of 5736, so I'm in the 21st percentile.  Not too bad for a little less than a year of this!

Takeaways/things to work on:  Power snatch.  I can power snatch 135# without spreading my legs and starfishing, but I need to practice so it becomes the default movement for me.  I don't regularly do power snatch but it seems like it's a must for competing so it's worth working on.

Afterward, 3 hours pickup basketball with some friends.  Semi-bad idea, haven't played in several months and my calves are still on fire!

Sunday - Rest day

Monday, 3/11/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Morning Workout

Warmup - CFE warmup, tabata jump rope, mobility

Strength - Weighted chinup to 1RM, superset with high box stepups
Got up to BW+115# totally strict, PR there.

MetCon -
5 chinups, 20#
10 high bar back squats (bar starts on ground), 185#
100m run
15 box jumps, 30"

3 rounds + run

Nice pretty heavy one.  Didn't do it in a hurry, just moving smoothly between movements.

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