Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, 9/30/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85-1x90 (f,f,1)-1x93 (f,1)-1x96 (f,1)-1x99 (f,f)

//Slow all night.  The 96 make was actually probably the most solid one!

Clean & Jerk
3x50-3x60-3x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x110-1x114 (f,1)-1x117 (f,1+f jerk)

//Couple of fights there.  114 was a dang solid jerk though.

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength -
Front Squat

Pause Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x3x106 (f #3 on first set)

Snatch Balance
3x60-3x70-3x80-1x90 (f)

Ran out of gas a bit.  Lots of heavy squatting!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday, 9/28/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBB x2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - 
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85-1x90 (f,1)-1x93-1x96 (f,f,f,1)-1x99-1x101 (f,1)

Clean & Jerk
3x50-3x60-3x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107-1x112 (f,1)-1x116 (PR, J and C&J, 255.7#)-1x118 (f)

//Took a little getting into it on the snatches, but figured out the third pull a little by the end.  116 clean was ugly, bar contact was literally right above my knee sleeves so the bar got out in front and I didn't hit the bounce.  Jerks were rocking today though.  215 is a PR total for sure.

Strength - 
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x112-3x120 (PR, 264.5)-2x124 (didn't even try #2, first rep was tough)-1x130 (PR, 286.6)

Back Squat
3x80-3x100-3x110-3x120-3x3x126 (f last set third rep - not tight enough going down)

Clean Grip Deadlift

Good day!  Was a little surprising since I woke up unusually sore, but I can't complain!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Thursday, 9/27/2013

J5 Open Gym Workout

Warmup - coaching stuff (rowing, ring dips, etc), JTLC, GBB

Strength -
1A) Press (Warmup 5x45-5x75-5x95-5x115)-3x5x120
1B) One-Armed Dumbbell Rows - 3x12x60 each arm

2A) EZ Barl Curl - 3x8x~65? (Not sure how much the EZ bar weighs...)
2B) Weighted Chinup - 3x5x53

Jerk Support/Recovery

Not sure if I was doing those right.  I'll ask Justin to walk me through them next time.  Rest day Friday though!  It's nice when your girlfriend does mostly the same training and appreciates rest day for what it should be too :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, 9/25/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85-1x90-1x93-1x96 (f,f)

Clean & Jerk
3x50-3x60-3x70 (2 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 jerk) - 1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107 (f,1)-1x112 (f jerk)

//Just wasn't feeling it on the fast lifts today.  First 96 miss something was bugging me in my elbow so didn't push it past two tries there.

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength -

//Finally got all those sets in without missing.  Actually felt pretty good even in the later sets.

Romanian Deadlift

Mixed bag.  Just wasn't feeling much "pop" for the full lifts.  Happy with the strength stuff though.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, 9/24/2013

Garage Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB

Strength - 
1A) Bench Press - (Warmup 3x45-3x135-3x155-3x175-3x195) - 5x3x205
1B) Bent-Over Row - (Warmup 3x45-3x135-3x155-3x165-3x175) - 5x3x185

2A) Behind the Neck Push Press (jerk grip) - (Warmup 3x45-3x135-3x155) - 3x3x175
2B) Snatch Grip Sotts Press - (Warmup 3x45-3x65-3x85) - 3x3x90

Work: done.  Short one today as usual.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, 9/23/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x90-1x93-1x96 (f,1)-1x100 (PR, 220.5#)-1x102.5 (fx5)

//There's one big goal met!  Went up easy too.  That was fun.  Coaches had me try 102.5 a bunch of extra times because I was so. damn. close.

Clean & Jerk
3x50-3x60-3x70 (hang clean x2 + clean + jerk)-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107-1x112-1x116 (f jerk)-1x118 (PR, 260.1#, f jerk)

//Saw spots after the 118 clean, jerk wasn't happening.  Still, can't complain about a PR.  Saw I am setting up with my shoulders too far in front of the bar, might help my looping off of my thighs.

Snatch Pulls

Clean Pulls

Strength -
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x112-3x119 (PR, 262.4#)-2x124 (f #2)-1x129 (PR, 284.4)

Pause Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-2x115 (f #2)-1x120 (f)

Snatch Balance
3x60-3x75-3x92 (f #3)-2x97 (f)

//Oops on the last two.  Think I may possibly have run out of gas.  Adrenaline high from 100 only lasts so long!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday, 9/21/2013

Team LAB/J5 Open Gym Workout

Wonderful road construction meant I couldn't get to the Lab this morning, good thing J5 has platforms and a nice bar and bumpers set!  Everything in pounds.  Also meant I got to coach the "competition" level class afterward - got to teach some snatch.

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x95-3x115-2x135-1x155-1x175-1x185 (f,f,1)-1x195-1x205-1x210

//Stopped there, 210 took a little fight to stand up and tweaked my elbow a little bit.  Hindsight maybe could have tried 215, which would have been a PR by a couple pounds.

Clean & Jerk
3x95-3x115-3x135 (2x hang clean + 1x clean + 1x jerk)-1x165-1x185-1x205-1x225-1x240-1x250-1x260 (f)

//260 just got in front of me.  Everything else was really pretty smooth.  Third pull feels like it's coming along.

Strength -
3x135-3x185-3x225-3x265-3x285-3x285 (f #3)-2x3x280-3x280 (f #3)

//Sub-par.  Got stuck in the bottom too much, definitely.

Clean-Grip Deadlift

Got shown how to voodoo floss my bad shoulder from swimming too.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, 9/19/2013

J5 Open Gym Workout

First - Helped coach 6 PM class.  Double-unders, some handstand stuff, overhead squat technique.

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - 
3-Part (Top Down) Snatch
3x95 (power)-3x95 (full)-3x115-3x135-3x155-3x165 (f knee hang)

3-Part (Top Down) Clean + Jerk

//Little slow throughout.  Probably didn't warm up quite enough.  Also, maybe not ready for 2 days in a row of weightlifting movements.

Strength -
1A) Shoulder Press (Warmup 5x45-5x95-5x105)-3x5x115
1B) Weighted Chinup - 3x5x53

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, 9/18/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBB, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85-1x90 (f,f,1)-1x93 (f,f,1)-1x95 (f,f)

//Dropped the last 95 right on my neck.  Oof.

Clean & Jerk
3x40-3x50-3x60-3x70 (2 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 jerk)-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110 (f,f,1)-1x113 (PR, 249.1#)

//Getting better at third pull, up until the 113 at least.  That one was a little ugly.  But maybe the best jerk I've ever done.

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength -
3x60-2x80-2x100-2x120-2x2x130-2x130 (f #2 twice - stupid belt kept falling off and I psyched myself out)-3x2x127

Romainian Deadlift
3x60-3x100-3x120-3x130-3x3x135 PR?

Decent day, can't complain.  That 97 snatch must have come out of nowhere because I can't even get close recently!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, 9/17/2013

Garage Gym Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB

Strength - 
1A) Bench Press (Warmup 5x45-3x135-3x155-3x175) - 5x3x200
1B) Bent-Over Row (Warmup 5x45-3x135-3x155-3x165) - 5x3x180

2A) Snatch Sotts Press (Warmup 3x45-3x55-3x65) - 3x3x75
2B) BTN Sn Grip Push Press (Warmup 3x45-3x135-3x165) - 3x3x190

Short workout today, since I NOW HAVE A COACHING GIG!  At least, assisting, and starting Thursday.  Psyched to get started with J5.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, 9/16/2013

Warmup - JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85-1x90-1x93 (f,1)-1x96 (f,f,f)

//Gaah!  Got to work on that lockout more still.  BTN snatch-grip push presses tomorrow for sure.

Clean & Jerk
3+1x40-3+1x50-3+1x60-3+1x70 (2 high hang clean, 1 full clean + 1 jerk)-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110-1x115 (f jerk)-1x120

//Felt really good up to 105.  Like I was actually catching the bar as opposed to it landing on me.

Two-Part Pause Clean

//Maybe getting the hang of it.  Still gotta work more.

Snatch Pull

Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-3x117 (PR, 257.9#), 2x122, 1x127 (PR, 279.9#), 1x130 (f)

//Almost on the 130!  I'll get that dang thing next time.  127 went up easy.

Pausing Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x110 PR (242.5#)-2x115 (f #2)-1x120 (f)

//Oops.  Badly planned?

Snatch Balance
3x60-3x70-3x80-3x90 (PR, 198.4#)-2x95-1x100 (PR, 220.5#)

//100 was shaky, but I'll take it.

Good day overall, cleans still bug me but I'm still getting work done on them.  254# as not a terrible struggle means I am definitely getting stronger on even if the catch is not perfect.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday, 9/14/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBB, clean position stretches, jerk positions

Weightlifting - 
Clean & Jerk
3x3x40-3x60-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110-1x115 (f jerk)-1x120 (f,f)

3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85 (f,f,f,1 - huh?)-1x90-1x93 (f,f,f)

//Third.  Pull.  Gaaaah!!!

Strength -
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x90-3x100-3x110-3x115 PR (253.5#)-2x120-1x125 PR (275.5#)

Back Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-3x120-3x130 (f)-3x125 (f #3) - PUNT

//Confused.  Not sure what happened there.

Clean-Grip Deadlift

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, 9/12/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x85-1x90-1x93 (f,f)

//Lockout wasn't working on the 93's.

Clean & Jerk
3x3x40-1x60-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110 (f jerk)

//Working on the finish of the pull into the catch.  Felt better, still not quite where I need to be.  110 was relatively easy though.

High Hang Clean

//Just working on finishing pull.

Snatch Pulls

Strength -

//Got the work done.  Nothing special since I tripled 130 last week.

Romanian Deadlift

45 degree back extensions

Also, heard from owner of J5 CF, who I talked to about coaching last week.  Said he was interested and would have more information for me next week.  Looks like I might finally get to coach people.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, 9/11/2013

CFE Open Gym

Warmup - JTLC, GBB warmup

Strength -

1A) Bench Press (Warmup 6x45-3x135-3x155-3x175) - 5x3x195
1B) Bent-Over Row (Warmup 3x45-3x135-3x155-3x165) - 5x3x175

2A) Snatch Grip BTN PP (Warmup 3x45-3x135-3x155-3x175) - 3x3x185
2B) Sotts Press (Warmup 3x45-3x65-3x75) - 3x3x85

//Sotts Press was tough.  First time doing it, had trouble with balance.

3A) Weighted Chinup 3x5x53
3B) Strict Leg Raise 3x15

Not bad.  Upper body feels a lot better than lower did yesterday.  Also demoed some snatch/clean drills to help people.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, 9/10/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB x2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80 (f,f,1)-1x85-1x90-1x93 (f,f)

//90 was a little bit of a surprise and a small victory given how slow my pulls were and how worn out my quads and knees still are from last weekend.

Clean & Jerk
3x3x40-3x60-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110 (f)-1x100 (f)

//Jimmy tried to have me hold my hook grip longer through the pull to avoid having the bar smash down on me as much right before the 110 - that and the last 100 were trying to do that.  Wasn't working with my grip, have to do some lighter ones for work.

Snatch Pulls

//A little slow.  Would have been a good idea to go lighter today.

Clean Pulls

Strength -
Front Squat

(Pausing front squat wasn't happening today.)

Snatch Balance
3x60-3x70-3x80-3x85-3x90 (f)

//Blargh.  Punt here.  Actually today was better than I expected overall given (again) what I did last weekend.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Saturday/Sunday 9/7-9/8/2013

D-Town Throwdown - Team of 3 guys, 3 girls

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, lots of foam roll/mobility

WOD #1
Each member in guy/girl order does
20 Deadlifts, 275/185
400m run


//Deadlifts were fine, probably should have done them unbroken but broke at 15 to take belt off before run.  Took 100m or so to not feel like I was going to fall on my face, just couldn't turn the jets on and catch people but I did probably outsplit everybody on the run.

Cooldown - 500m easy row, foam roll

Warmup - JTLC, light snatches, short row

WOD #2
Guys, then girls complete
250m row (each simultaneous)
100 TTB
100 Wall Ball shots, 20# to 10'
12 rope climbs, 15'
(20 minute time cap)

Through 3 rope climbs for the ladies.

//Was a good one for us.  I held ~1:26/500m pace for the row, easy.  Broke the reps up more or less evenly.  Only one team actually finished the workout, we could have been closer had our guys done longer sets, which in hindsight we probably should have.

Cooldown - mobility, foam roll

Warmup - light row, back squats (135x5-185x5-225x5-225x3)

WOD #3 -
Girls, then guys,
5 minute AMRAP
Back squat, 225/155

185 reps total

//Guys got 107, I did I think 23 of them.  I am not a speed squatter, so the other two kind of carried us.  Also not demolishing my legs was a good thing in hindsight, as you'll see.

Cooldown - light row, mobility


Warmup - Airdyne wakeup, JTLC, stretching, practice wall balls

WOD #4 -
One guy each does:
Karen (150 wall ball shots, 20# to 10')
Diane (21-15-9 DL 225, HSPU)
Elizabeth (21-15-9 PC 135, Ring Dips)

One girl each does:
Grace (30 C&J 95)
Isabel (30 Sn 95)
Fran (21-15-9 Thruster 65, Pullups)

(30 min time cap)

Through 29 Grace reps

//I did Karen - 6:15 for a PR, broke it up 60-20-20-10-10-10-10-6-4 (AKA, that was everything I had), Diane guy had issues with HSPUs and took way longer than expected.

Cooldown - light row, quad massage (couldn't hardly bend legs to take off shoes and knee sleeves afterward)

Warmup - light row, light snatches, OHS reps up to 115#

WOD #5 -
In pairs of guy/girl, each pair completes
50 alternating overhead squats, 115/75
3x150m hill runs


//Good finish.  My partner and I did our OHS unbroken (in Inov8s, not even lifting shoes!), the only pair to do that in our heat and one of the only ones in the whole event.  We were actually talking to each other through the reps making sure we were both good, which got some laughs afterward.

9th overall of 15 teams - was a good weekend considering most of the affiliates there were top-75 teams in the Open.  I may not squat for a week though, did ~250 total squat reps of different types over the two days.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, 9/6/2013

Garage Workout (just staying limber for D-Town Throwdown this weekend)

Warmup - JTLC, GBB warmup, snatch position stretches

Snatch ABC's

Hang Snatch

Hang Power Clean + Jerk

Deadlift (just feeling out up to 275 quick for Event 1 tomorrow)

Pause Front Squat

Done.  Good enough for a loosener, but geez is my garage sweaty!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday, 9/4/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB warmup, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80 (f,1)-1x85-1x90-1x93-1x95 (f,f,f)

//Dropped the bar on my back the first 95 try.  Probably got in my own head a little.  Still happy because that would have been easily a PR before Saturday.

Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
(ABC 3x3x40) 1x40-1x60-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105 (CrossFit PC)-Full Clean 1x110 (f,f)

//Ehhhhhh... gotta go back to the drawing board a little on my third pull and catch.

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength -
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-3x120-3x130 PR (286.6#)-4x3x125

//Actually more than I've ever HBBS before now that I think about it.  Sort of curious as to what my 1RM is if I'm fresh.

Rack Jerk - (wrists/forearms sore from bench yesterday, also not on jerk blocks so didn't push it too much)


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday, 9/3/2013

CFE Open Gym (in lbs)

Warmup - JTLC, GBB warmup, some tech work - TTB, butterfly pullups, etc.

Strength -
Bench Press

//Working on keeping butt down, engaging triceps mostly.  Could have gone up but butt would have lifted on later reps.

1A) Behind-the-Neck Push Press (WU 3x135-3x155)-3x3x175
1B) Bent-Over Rows 3x5x155

//First time doing the BTN PP.  Interesting.

2A) Weighted Chinup (WU 5x35)-3x5x53
2B) 1-Arm KB Row - 3x10x70 each arm

Good upper-body stuff.  Legs feel great and will be all ready to squat triples tomorrow!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, 9/2/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, PVC dislocates, GBB, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x75-1x80-1x85-1x90-1x95 PR-1x97 PR (213.8#)-1x100 (f,f)

//Uhhh... I'm not sure where that came from!

Snatch Pulls

Clean & Jerk
3x3x40-3x60-2x80-1x90-1x100-1x110-1x115 (f, f jerk)

//Nothing special really.  Work done!

Clean Pulls

//Note for future reference - Justin told me to start doing all my pulls after C&J.

Strength -
Front Squat
3x60-2x80-2x90-2x100-2x110-2x122 PR (268.9#)-2x2x117

Pause Front Squat
2x60-2x80-2x90-2x100-2x112 PR (246.9#)-1x117 PR -1x120 PR (264.5)

//Actually my most recent front squat 1RM was 265... I think it's higher than that now.

Snatch Balance
2x60-2x70-2x83-3x2x95 PR (209.5#)

//Couple flubs in the work sets, but was losing it forward on catch and not stressful so I did get all 3 sets complete.

Good day.  Amazing what an extra day off of work and everything else will do for you.