Monday, September 9, 2013

Saturday/Sunday 9/7-9/8/2013

D-Town Throwdown - Team of 3 guys, 3 girls

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, lots of foam roll/mobility

WOD #1
Each member in guy/girl order does
20 Deadlifts, 275/185
400m run


//Deadlifts were fine, probably should have done them unbroken but broke at 15 to take belt off before run.  Took 100m or so to not feel like I was going to fall on my face, just couldn't turn the jets on and catch people but I did probably outsplit everybody on the run.

Cooldown - 500m easy row, foam roll

Warmup - JTLC, light snatches, short row

WOD #2
Guys, then girls complete
250m row (each simultaneous)
100 TTB
100 Wall Ball shots, 20# to 10'
12 rope climbs, 15'
(20 minute time cap)

Through 3 rope climbs for the ladies.

//Was a good one for us.  I held ~1:26/500m pace for the row, easy.  Broke the reps up more or less evenly.  Only one team actually finished the workout, we could have been closer had our guys done longer sets, which in hindsight we probably should have.

Cooldown - mobility, foam roll

Warmup - light row, back squats (135x5-185x5-225x5-225x3)

WOD #3 -
Girls, then guys,
5 minute AMRAP
Back squat, 225/155

185 reps total

//Guys got 107, I did I think 23 of them.  I am not a speed squatter, so the other two kind of carried us.  Also not demolishing my legs was a good thing in hindsight, as you'll see.

Cooldown - light row, mobility


Warmup - Airdyne wakeup, JTLC, stretching, practice wall balls

WOD #4 -
One guy each does:
Karen (150 wall ball shots, 20# to 10')
Diane (21-15-9 DL 225, HSPU)
Elizabeth (21-15-9 PC 135, Ring Dips)

One girl each does:
Grace (30 C&J 95)
Isabel (30 Sn 95)
Fran (21-15-9 Thruster 65, Pullups)

(30 min time cap)

Through 29 Grace reps

//I did Karen - 6:15 for a PR, broke it up 60-20-20-10-10-10-10-6-4 (AKA, that was everything I had), Diane guy had issues with HSPUs and took way longer than expected.

Cooldown - light row, quad massage (couldn't hardly bend legs to take off shoes and knee sleeves afterward)

Warmup - light row, light snatches, OHS reps up to 115#

WOD #5 -
In pairs of guy/girl, each pair completes
50 alternating overhead squats, 115/75
3x150m hill runs


//Good finish.  My partner and I did our OHS unbroken (in Inov8s, not even lifting shoes!), the only pair to do that in our heat and one of the only ones in the whole event.  We were actually talking to each other through the reps making sure we were both good, which got some laughs afterward.

9th overall of 15 teams - was a good weekend considering most of the affiliates there were top-75 teams in the Open.  I may not squat for a week though, did ~250 total squat reps of different types over the two days.

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