Wednesday, July 30, 2014

7/30/14 - J5

Smolov Test Day
Did it as a CF Total

Back Squat
Warmup - 135/5, 205/5, 235/3, 265/3, 295/1, 315/1
Work Sets - 335/1, 355/f,f, 345/1

Shoulder Press
Warmup - 45/5, 95/3, 115/3, 125/1
Work - 135/1, 145/f, 140/f

Warmup - 135/5, 225/3, 315/3, 365/1, 405/1
Work - 425/1, 445/f, 435/f

Well, that was about as big of a confidence destroyer as I could get.

15 pounds on a program that's supposed to get you 25-45, and my PRs in those lifts since last April when I maxed most of them out last increased by a whopping 60/10/20.  Pretty much doubting why I spend any time lifting weights at all if I'm not going to be able to grt stronger past beginner levels.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Well!  Looks like I will be starting on this again.

Got banned from CrossFit boards and Pendlay forums got shut down.

Anyway, a little catchup.  Last I posted on here I had gotten myself a little back injury.  Didn't do the classic lifts or anything to a full squat for somewhere around 3 months, made it back in time to work back and do my second weightlifting meet in May, which went much better - 5/6, 105/122.

Started an after-work MBA program in March, which eats up a lot of time.  Kept up with the Lab, but it started to become a grind.  So, I decided to drop that and do something more fun.  Went through a Smolov base cycle, testing max with a CF Total on Wednesday.  After this week I'm going to get myself back in shape and start following Invictus competition CF programming.

7/28/14 - J5 CrossFit

PSn - 95/3, 135/3, 155/1, 175/1, 185/1, 195/1, 200/1, 205/1, 210/1 - Tie PR

EMOM 10 - 2 PSn (TnG), 145#

Odd - 3 Strict HSPU
Even - 3 Strict Ring MU

Relatively low-stress stuff today, still recovering for Smolov test Wednesday.  Didn't know I had strict HSPUs yet until I tried them out this morning.