Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wednesday, 7/31/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup, sntach position stretches

Weightlifting -
3x3x40 (3,2,1-stop power, 3,2,1-stop power to squat, 3,2,1-stop full)-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x77.5 (f,1)-1x82.5-1x87.5 (f,1)-1x90 (f,f)

//PR, if only by half a kilo.  But still, broke through that little barrier I was stuck at.  90 would have been closer but coach moved my stance wider and it just felt weird.

Drop sets - 3x1x60

//Getting used to wider stance.

Snatch Pulls - 3x80-3x85-3x90

//Staying at this weight until 3rd rep is consistent with 1st.

Clean & Jerk
3x3x40 (3,2,1-stop power, 3,2,1-stop power to squat, 3,2,1-stop full)-3x60-2x80-1x90-1x95-1x100-1x105-1x110 (f jerk)-1x112.5 (f)

//Match PR for clean, probably could have fought 112.5 up but not really worth putting the ol' back in harms way.

Hang Clean - 3x3x60

//Just technique work.

Strength - 
5x20-5x50-5x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-3x115-3x120 (264#)-5x114 (95%, 251#)-7x108 (90%, 238#)-9x102 (85%, 225#)

//Good stuff.  Must be finally getting used to the volume because every set was heavy, but didn't feel like absolute death.

Depth Jumps (to jerk blocks + 1 pulling block) - 3x5

45-degree Back Extensions - 2x10

Good day.  Wish I could make it Saturday to close out the week well but family reunion calls.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tuesday, 7/30/2013

CFE Open Gym Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup

Strength - 
Bench Press warmup - 10x45-10x135-10x155

1A) Bench Press - 2x10x165-1x10x175
1B) Bent-over Barbell Row - 3x10x145

//The bent-over version seemed like it got my back better than Pendlay rows.  Which is what I'm looking for.

2) Klokov (behind the neck, snatch grip, strict) Press - 5x45-3x65-3x75-3x85-3x3x90

//First try doing these.  Interesting, feels like something that would be good to add regularly, since that overhead support can be an issue for me sometimes.

Conditioning - CF Games 2011 Rope-Clean
5 rope climbs, 15'
5 clean & jerks, 145#
4 rope climbs, 15'
4 clean & jerks, 165#
3 rope climbs, 15'
3 clean & jerks, 185#
2 rope climbs, 15'
2 clean & jerks, 205#
1 rope climb, 15'
1 clean & jerk, 225#

~15 minutes - was around 10 after the last rope climb and took three attempts and 5 minutes to get the last C&J.  Really underestimated this one, probably because I conveniently forgot my C&J max is only 235... stupid metric to English conversions :-) Oh well, not going to kill me tomorrow or anything.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, 7/29/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup, mobility

Weightlifting -

Snatch - Warmup with position stretches and ABC drills x3

3x42-3x52-3x60-2x70-1x75-1x82 (f,f,1)-1x87 (f,1)-1x89.5 (f,f)

//Try for 83-88 next time, not working landing 87 with effort and then trying to go up.  87 two workouts in a row is pleasant though, though the misses on the way didn't make me happy.

Hip Snatch (snatch from mid-hang) -
3x40-3x50-3x60-3x70-3x72.5 (f on 3)-3x72.5 PR

//Probably shouldn't have jumped straight from 60 to 70.  2nd rep on 70 had to walk it up because I almost lost it forward.

2-part Pausing Snatch Pulls - 3x82-3x87-3x92

//Kept it a little lighter than usual to work on technique.  Probably better than way honestly.

About this time, got told I'd been moved up to Level 2, so that means time to work up to heavy Clean & Jerk.

Clean & Jerk - (multiple sets are 3-,2-,1-stop drills)
3x40-3x60-2x80-2x1x90-1x100-1x105 (f jerk - oops)-1x110 (f)

//Was easy until 105 jerk.  Then just spaced out on 110.

Strength - 
Front Squat
5x20-5x50-5x60-3x82-3x92-3x100-3x105-3x110 (PR) - 2x3x105 (f on 3 on last set)

Snatch Balance
3x20-3x40-3x50-3x60-3x70-3x3x80 (f on 3 on last set)

//I hereby commit to not missing as much!  Too many misses all around today, but I suppose it wasn't a bad day overall.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Saturday, 7/27/2013

Team LAB Workout

Woke up still really tight in the lower back region from that stupid CrossFit workout Thursday.  Thought I was going to have a crap lifting session today but it wasn't too bad actually.

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup, other mobility stuff

Weightlifting - 
Snatch - warmup w/ position stretches and ABC drills x3 each

3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x75-1x82-1x87-1x89 (f,f)

//Tied PR again finally (192#).  89 was close, dropped shoulders again.  Still need to get more pop.

Clean - warmup w/ position stretches and ABC drills x3 each

3x40-3x60-2x80-1x92-1x100-1x104-1x107-1x109 (f)

107 is a PR (236).  Caught 109 and went straight to rock bottom of the hole.  Wasn't worth fighting it up though I probably could have if I needed to.

Strength -
Squat -
5x20-5x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-3x122-3x122 (f)-4x3x115

Ugh.  Missed the second set of 122, moved down, 115 felt like I was getting a lot better movement and deeper.  So I guess that's a plus.

Clean Grip Deadlift -

Hard.  Tougher than a couple Saturdays ago but that's probably because of my back.  CNS for deadlifts is probably shot now.

45-degree Back Extensions - 2x10

Depth Jumps - 2x10 to jerk blocks, 1x10 to blocks + 1 pulling block, 1x10 to blocks + 2 pulling blocks

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday, 7/25/2013

CFE Workout

A little sporadic on the working out this week, been busy and I probably won't make it anywhere Friday either so decided to go into an actual organized class.

Warmup - jog, plyos, mobility

Strength - Deadlift

Conditioning - 
10 pistols
10 front rack lunges, 120#
8 stiff-legged deadlifts, 120#
12 toes-to-bar

5 rounds + 9 TTB

Just figures, come in an get a MetCon longer than what I'd been holding myself to and not heavy at all.  Oh, well.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tuesday, 7/23/2013

CFE Open Gym Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup, other mobility

Strength - 
Bench Press warmup - 8x45-5x135-5x165-3x185

1A) Bench Press 5x3x200
1B) Pendlay Row 5x3x185

Conditioning -
King Kong (Scaled)
1 Deadlift, 90% (365#)
2 Muscleups
3 Cleans, 80% (195#)


Compare to 9/22/12 - 6:36 with 300#/MUs/165#/Partial ROM HSPU... cool.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Monday, 7/22/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JLTC, general barbell warmup, snatch position stretches + drills

Weightlifting -
3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x75-1x80-1x82.5-1x85-1x87.5 (f,f,f)

//A little frustrating to still be stuck at 85, but it was good that I didn't get close to a miss working up to it.  Still need to be faster on the third pull.

Snatch from Blocks at Knees

Snatch 2-part Pull

Snatch Balance
3x50-3x60-3x70-3x75-3x82 (f on 3)-2x87-1x92

//All the drills were really good, besides missing the 3rd 82.  The blocks snatches were eye-opening, also pelvis-bruising when I was a little off.  Have to transition that speed onto the fl/oor lift.  Balances ended up with another PR on the 2s and 1s.

Strength - 
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x90-3x100-3x107.5-2x112.5 (f on 2)-1x120 (f)

//Ugly.  Really ugly.

Pause Front Squat

//Much better.  Missed 105 last week, fought 107.5 up this week but not ugly.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday, 7/19/2013

Team LAB Workout in Garage (in lbs)

Did a shortened Saturday workout since I am going out of town for a wedding this weekend.

Warmup - JTLC, general barbell warmup

Weightlifting -
Snatch warmup - position stretches, ABC drills

Snatch -
3x65-3x95-2x115-1x135-1x155 (f,1)-1x165-1x175 (f,f,f)


Clean & Jerk -
1x135-1x155-1x175-1x195-1x210-1x225 (f,1)

//Just a touch less crap.

Strength - 

//Better.  Still weak but this was easier than comparable 120kg last Saturday.

Didn't have time for clean-grip deadlift or back extensions.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wednesday, 7/17/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup

Weightlifting - 
Clean warmup - position stretches, squatting quad drills, 3-stop drills, 3-,2-,1-stop drill

3x40-2x60-2x80-2x90-1x100-1x104-1x106-1x110-1x112 (f)

//That pretty much ties my PR, which is good since I've been stuck at 105 for a few weeks now.  Felt really easy too, 112 I just don't think I set up quite right.

Clean from High Blocks (right above knee)

Clean Pull with stop above knee

Strength - 
5x20-5x60-5x80-3x100-3x115-2x127 (f on 2)-5x2x122

//Not as good as last Wednesday, did 4x2x125, but I'll give myself a little slack for still acclimating.  Also more cleans.

Romanian Deadlift

45-degree Back Extensions - 2x10
Reverse Hypers - 3x10

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, 7/16/2013

CFE Open Gym Workout
(Team LAB programming - in pounds!)

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, barbell warmup

Weightlifting - 
Snatch warmup - position stretches, squatting quad drills, 3-stop drills, 3-,2-,1-drill

Power Snatch

Power Clean w/ pause at knee + Jerk w/ pause at dip

//Wasn't really feeling it with the power drills today.  Elbow/triceps are sore, I guess from all the overhead support (snatches) yesterday.

Strength - 
1A) Bench Press 5x3x195
2A) Pendlay Row 5x3x185

Eh.  Actually felt rushed with only an hour.  Nothing special, was looking forward to a little mini-competition between two team training groups as conditioning instead but that fell through.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, 7/15/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - Snatch
Warmup - squatting quad drills, 3-stop drill, 3-,2-,1-stop drill

3x40-2x50-2x60-2x70-1x75 (f,1)-1x80-1x82.5-1x85-1x87.5 (f,f,f)

Pause low hang snatch + high hang snatch
1x40-1x50-1x60-1x65-1x70-1x75 (f)

Snatch Pull

//Staying at 90 next time.  Form went a little iffy on the 110s especially.

Snatch Balance

Strength - 
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x90-3x100-3x105-3x107-2x112-1x117 (f)

3-count Pause Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x90-2x100-1x105 (f)

//Didn't really want to do these all that much after failing the single in the standard FS, but Justin told me to go light and then tricked me into going heavy.  It was worth it I suppose, except failing the single on that too.

45-degree Back Extensions

Too many dang misses today.  Snatch balance was the only thing that went really well, PR triple, double and single.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, 7/13/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, dislocates, GBB warmup

Weightlifting - 
Snatch warmup - position stretches, squatting quad drills, 3-stop snatch progression

Snatch -
3x40 (3-,2-,1-stop)-3x50 (3-,2-,1-stop)-2x60 (2-,1-stop)-1x70-1x75-1x80-1x82.5 (f,1)-1x85-1x87.5 (f,f)

Seem to be stuck there at the moment.  Losing my upper back on the catch.  Keep looking up!

Clean warmup - position stretches, squatting quad drills, 3-stop clean progression

Clean & Jerk -
3x40 (3-,2-,1-stop)-3x60 (3-,2-,1-stop)-2x80 (2-,1-stop)-1x90-1x95-1x100-1x102.5-1x105 (f, f jerk)

Same here for the jerk.  Cleans felt a lot smoother though, actually hit the bounce.

Strength -

Clean-grip Deadlift -
3x60-3x100-3x120-3x140-3x160-2x170-1x180 (f)

3x140 - 4 count to knees and up

45 degree Back Extensions - 2x10

Depth Jumps
3x5 (to 24" boxes)
3x5 (to high jerk blocks)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, 7/12/2013

CFE Morning Workout

Warmup - lunges, samson stretch, inchworm, leg swings, deadlift ramp up

Conditioning -

2 deadlift, 315#
8 wall ball shots, 20#

Felt good.  Split around 23 seconds for each interval.  Coach called deadlifts "lower body pressing."  Huh?

5 min rest + reload

4 rounds
5 clean to thruster, 155#
10 burpees


Tougher.  The clean part felt easy but I still am working on the pressing part.  Was the only one who RX'd it.

Cashout - 3-person 100m truck push with everybody else in the truck bed

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, 7/10/2013

Missed out on conditioning Tuesday since I got called back into work that night.

Wednesday, 7/10/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, general barbell warmup
Clean Warmup - clean position stretches, squatting quad drills, 3-stop drills, 3-2-1-stop drills

Weightlifting - Clean
2x40-2x60-2x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110 (f)

Clean Pulls

Jerk Warmup - position stretches, jerk progression

Rack Jerk -
3x20-3x40-3x60-3x70-3x80-3x90-3x100 PR

Strength -
Back Squat

Romanian Deadlift

45 deg Back Extensions

Decent.  Clean was a little disappointing, I've been stuck at 105 since I've started at LAB, still getting used to the volume for sure.  Coach said he was going to have me start squatting a lot more, since strength is definitely my limiting factor.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, 7/8/2013

Monday, 7/8/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, barbell warmup, snatch position stretches
squatting quad snatch - 3 x muscle snatch, 3 x power snatch, 3 x power to squat, 3 x full snatch
3-stop snatch - 3x20-2x3x40

Weightlifting - 
Full Snatch (stripping off stops as necessary)
1x50-1x60-1x65-1x70-1x75 (f, 1)-1x80-1x85 (f, 1)-1x90 (f,f,f)

//Felt a little slow today, and kind of sloppy.  Will have to try to limber myself up more at work.

High Hang Snatch -

//70 felt the best and that's what coaches said too.

Snatch Pulls -

Front Squat -

//Blegh.  Have to get used to all this volume, I'm used to maxing out slow lifts at the beginning.

Snatch Balance -
3x60-3x65-3x70-3x75-3x80 (f on 3)

Snatch Drop Jumps -

Wow.  I'm pooped.  Like I said, going to have to get used to this.  If that's what it takes to get stronger and better at lifting though, I'm game.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Team LAB begins

Saturday, 7/6/2013

Team L.A.B. Workout

Warmup - JTSC, general barbell warmup, foam roll

Snatch - 
Specific warmup - position stretches, quad squat drills

3-stop snatch -

3-,2-,1-stop snatch

2-,1-stop snatch

full snatch
1x87 PR

high hang snatch

Clean and Jerk -
Specific warmup - position stretches, quad squat drills, jerk position stretches

3-, 2-, 1-stop clean + jerk

2-, 1-stop clean + jerk

full clean & jerk
1x110 (f)

Strength - 
Back Squat - 2x5x115-1x5x110 (was supposed to be straight sets, but all the S/C&J volume made me a little unexpectedly worn out)

Clean Grip Deadlift - 3x3x140

Notes:  For both lifts, pop faster through the hips!  Aim to pull a little higher on the cleans as well.

Friday, July 5, 2013

On-Ramp Graduation

Friday, 7/5/2013

Team L.A.B. On-Ramp Three

Warmup - general warmup, barbell warmup, jerk position warmup and drills (front rack, overhead support, split support)

Barbell Gymnastics - Jerk
1x105 PR
1x110 (f), PR

Clean & Jerk:
Position warmup (3x quad squat power clean to FS, 3x quad squat full clean, 3-stop power clean to squat, 3-stop full clean)


full clean
1x105 (f), PR

Position warmup (3x quad squat power snatch to OHS, 3x quad squat full snatch,1x 3-stop full snatch, 2x full snatch)

full snatch

Two PRs, and the 80 kg snatch felt easy, which was basically my PR coming in.  So, I passed the on-ramp apparently, so tomorrow is my first official practice with Team L.A.B.  Excited!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

4th of July Death

Thursday, 7/4/2013

CFE Workout

Warmup - lunges, inchworm, shoulder mobility, work up to medium weight power snatch

Conditioning - all without breaks,
1 Power Snatch, 135#
10 air squats
10 situps (hands to laces)

800m run

4 rounds
24' handstand walk
10 box jump, 30"
10 KB swing, 2 pood
10 pullups
10 wall ball, 20#

1000m row

83 burpees

5 muscleups

Was going good until halfway through the row.  Burpees took a while, muscleups unbroken though.  Haven't done a conditioning piece of more than 10-15 minutes for a while, so that's probably why I started to lose it near the end.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

On Ramp Day 2

Wednesday, 7/3/2013

Team L.A.B. On-Ramp Part 2

Warmup - general warmup (still forgot to remember what it's called), barbell warmup, clean position warmups (3x pulling position w/ barbell on knees, front rack, squat 10 seconds each)

Barbell Gymnastics -

All drills w/ 25 kg

barbell on knee cleans
3 x muscle clean
3 x power clean
3 x power clean to front squat
3 x full clean

3-stop cleans (below knees, above knees, hip)
3 x power clean
3 x power clean to front squat
3 x full clean

2-, 1-, 0- stop cleans (below knees, hip)

1-, 0-stop cleans (below knees)

full cleans
1x110 (f)

No PR today, but definitely got some good cues and new ways to think about things.  Jerks and review on Friday and then I get to join the team practices possibly by Saturday!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A New Journey!

Tuesday, 7/2/2013

Team L.A.B. On-Ramp 1

Warmup - whole-body warmup routine (have to look up what they call it), barbell warmup (5 RDL, 5 press, 5 back squat x2)

Barbell Gymnastics -
All at 25 kg
From pull position, barbell resting on knees -
2x(3 x muscle snatch
     3 x power snatch
     3 x power snatch to OHS
     3 x full snatch)

3-position stop (below knees, above knees, hip) -
3 x power snatch
3 x power snatch to OHS
3 x full snatch

2-, 1-, 0-stop snatch (below knees, hip) -
3 x 25 kg

1-, 0-stop snatch (below knees) -

full snatch
85 PR

Dang, good stuff!  5 kg/12 lb PR on the first day and I wasn't expecting they'd let me lift heavy yet!

Day 2 tomorrow, time to re-learn the clean!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, 7/1/2013

Monday, 7/1/2013

CFE Team Training 
(in garage and track)

Warmup - air squats, shoulder warmup, plyos

Max Effort Lower Body - Overhead Squat
Warmup: 8x45-5x95-5x135
To 3RM: 3x150-3x160-3x170-3x180 PR
To 1RM: 1x190-1x200-1x210 PR - 1x215 (f)

Missed stability on 210 a couple times, but when I got it it was pretty easy.  Tried 215 once and lost the right shoulder as usual, so decided not to give it another try.

To the Collinsville HS Track!

Speed/Conditioning - 
3 rounds
200m run - fast
1 bleacher run, 1 2up/1down stair hop, 1 bleacher run
200m run - fast
10 KB snatches, 10 1-arm KB swings, 1.5 pood
1 min rest

Felt good to run on the track for the first time in a year.  200's felt real smooth, probably haven't lost much if any straight-line speed since starting CF.