Friday, October 25, 2013

Week of 10/20/2013 Update

Monday -
Started the week out still tight in the lower back, butt and hamstrings area from the competition Saturday, so I wasn't expecting too much.  Snatch up to 95, C&J to 110 - pretty vanilla overall.  FS, 3 doubles at 122 and P-FS 3 doubles at 110 wasn't too shabby.

Tuesday -
Made my snatch grip push presses a little more fun and dynamic by adding a power snatch beforehand instead of off the rack.  That was fun, technically PRed my PSn at 185# (84) - and no starfishing in sight!  Messed up weights for bench press and row 5s - accidentally went off my weights for triples, 205 and 185 respectively - so that was harder than necessary and will probably be scaled back a touch next week.

Wednesday -
Felt mostly recovered, technique was a little off today though.  98/107, cleaned 112 but jerks felt terrible.  Back squat 5x3x132 got squirrely at the end but didn't miss anything.

Thursday -
Started with some rack jerks - doubled up to 245#, singled 255#, whiffed 265# - 255 is about the most I've actually jerked in a few weeks though.  Shoulder press 3x5x120 felt good, also one-armed rows and some curls.

Weight fluctuated between 189-193 this week.  I don't even care if I am gaining slow, I'd just like to see some consistency on the scale.  Coming down with a little bit of a cold, or maybe it's just cold weather shock.  We'll see how max-out Saturday (and 5s of back squat!) goes, I'd love to get over 100/115 again.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Weekday Highlights, Week of 10/13/13

Moved my workout log onto paper so I can actually track things as I'm doing them.  Makes it easier to record how I miss, how my makes feel and how I feel in general.  I'll probably just do weekly highlights, but wanted to post now in case anybody thought I went AWOL :)

Monday - Team LAB
Snatches went really well.  No misses up to 98, missed once on 101 and then hit, and got 104 for a PR really easily.  Justin said that might be the best lift he's seen me do.  C&J not great, fought a 114 clean and couldn't get the jerk.  FS 3x3x121 (that's my PR triple for three sets), Pause FS tried 3x3x110, also my triple PR, and missed the last one on the last set.  Not bad.

Usually coach/workout at J5, but was in the middle of a 14-hour workday at that point.  Dead legs by the end for sure.

Wednesday - Team LAB
Missing any kind of "pop" all day.  Snatch up to 95 fine but felt sloppy and nothing was helping.  PC+FS+Jerk up to 105, missed jerk at 108, went to full clean to 113 and that was far too hard.  Squat PR-fest on last week of 3-5-7-9 though, 135-128-122-115.  Technically a new 1RM on that triple too, I think.

Will be coaching, probably doing some rack jerks and other upper body fun afterward.  Friday will do my last 3-2-1 FS and 3x10 back squat or some combination thereof if I have time after work.  Saturday, CF competition.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, 10/12/2013

Team LAB Workout

Was definitely pretty tight to start with this morning.  Took a lot to finally get warmed up and loose-ish.

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBBx2, clean position stretches

Weightlifting - 
Clean + Front Squat + Jerk
2x50-2x60-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x105-1x110-1x115 (f jerk)-1x118 (f jerk)-1x120 (f jerk, PR clean 264.6#)

//Jerks a little off, or maybe because of the extra front squat in the middle.  120 finally though!  And front squatted it after too!

Clean & Jerk (back-off sets)

3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80 (f,1)-1x85 (f,1)-1x90-1x95-1x98 (f,f,f)

//Just not quite there today.  90 and 95 were easy though, 98s definitely form misses and not strength.

Strength - 
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x113-3x121 (PR 266.8#)-2x125 (PR 275.6#)-1x131 (PR 288.8#)

Back Squat
10x20-10x60-5x100-3x10x112 (PR 246.9#)


Ended up pretty good day.  Another absolutely draining Saturday!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, 10/10/2013

J5 Open Gym

Warmup - coaching (got to lead coach tonight!), JTLC, GBB

Weightlifting - 
Rack Jerk
3x135-3x155-3x175-3x195-3x205-3x215-1x235-1x255 (f,f)

//235 was easy.  Just not feeling the getting-under pop on heavy today.

Strength -
1A) Shoulder Press (Warmup 10x45-10x75)-3x10x100
1B) One-Arm KB Row 3x10x70 each arm

Klokov Press

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wednesday, 10/9/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - 
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x90-1x95 (f,1)-1x98-1x101 (f,f,f)

Clean & Jerk
3x60-3x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107-1x112-1x115-1x117 (f,f clean)

//Sweeping everything out today once I got into heavy snatches.  115 C&J was about the only thing that was crisp-ish.

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength -
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x110-3x120-3x130 (286.6)-5x124 (273.4)-7x117 (258.9)-9x111 (245)

//Not bad here.  Felt very comfortable all around and really good depth.  Maybe try for 135 next week depending how I feel warming up.


30 minute walk with the gf afterward.  Legs feel pretty dang loose now, might have to make it a regular thing!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, 10/8/2013

J5 Open Gym Workout

Warmup - coaching stuff, JTLC, GBB

Weightlifting - 
Snatch Balance

Strength - 
1A) Bench Press (Warmup 10x135-10x155)-3x10x170
1B) Bent-Over Row (Warmup 10x135-10x145)-3x10x160

Weighted Chinups

Jordan told me he wants me to be lead coach on Thursday.  Looking forward to that, and getting some feedback afterward.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, 10/7/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - 
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x90-1x95-1x98-1x101-1x104 (f,f,f)

//Gaaaah, had the 104 caught, but was a little toesy and couldn't get it stood up.  Next two attempts were progressively less close.

Clean & Jerk
3x60-3x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107-1x112-1x117 (f, f jerk)

//Closest 117 jerk attempt I've had.  I'll get this sometime!

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength - 
Front Squat

Pause Front Squat

Good strength day, not really close to missing anywhere on squats.  No misses all the way up to 101 snatch was pretty awesome, and cleans are starting to feel a little better, think I'm getting closer to hitting the right place on the thighs for the 105+ attempts.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday, 10/5/2013

Team LAB Workout

Surprisingly not sore at all from Sally on Thursday.  Ready for some fun today.

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - 
3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80-1x90-1x95 (f,1)-1x98-1x101-1x104 (f,f,f)

//Three strikes!  Happy though, one miss on the way up is fantastic.

Clean & Jerk
3x60-3x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107-1x112-1x117 (f jerk)-1x120 (f,f)

//Mental block on that 120.  Just can't get myself to pull the damn thing high enough before I drop under.

Strength - 
Front Squat
3x60-3x80-3x100-3x112-3x120-2x124 (PR, 273.3#)-1x132 (f)

//A little too aggressive on the 132.  Probably should have just stuck with 130 today.

Back Squat
10x20-10x60-5x85-3x10x108 (PR, 238.1#)

//Good start to the cycle.  At least 110 next week for sure.

Successful day.  I am dead tired though.  Wow.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Thursday, 10/4/2013

J5 Workout

Warmup - JTLC, GBB, warmup squats

Challenge - "Bring Sally Up"

You've seen it all over on FB or YouTube.  Did it RX'd (135#).  Was a bit of a bear but I don't feel too shabby this morning.

Strength -
A) Shoulder Press (Warmup 10x45-10x65)-3x10x100 (10/8/10)
B) One-Arm KB row - 3x8x70 each arm

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wednesday, 10/2/2013

Team LAB Workout

Warmup - foam roll, JTLC, GBBx2, snatch position stretches

Weightlifting - 
3x3x40-3x50-2x60-1x70-1x80 (f,1)-1x85-1x90-1x93-1x96-1x99 (f,1)-1x101 PR (f,1)-1x103 (f,f,f,1) PR, 227.0#

//Felt slow as crap through 93 or so.  Then turned on the gas a little I guess.  The misses above that were all lockout issues - right elbow mostly.

Clean & Jerk
3x60-3x70-1x80-1x90-1x100-1x107-1x112 (f jerk)-1x116 (f jerk)

//Jerks not there today.  Cleans ehhh, better than the last couple sessions though.

Clean Pulls

Snatch Pulls

Strength -


//Probably should do more on RDL next time.  Was hurrying too much, it was getting late.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, 10/1/2013

J5 Open Gym

Warmup - mobility, some HSPUs while coaching, JTLC, GBB

Strength - 
1A) Bench Press (Warmup 10x45-10x135-10x155)-2x10x175-1x10x165
1B) Bent-over Row (Warmup 10x45-10x135-10x145)-3x10x155

//Second set of 175 butt started coming up.  Dropped accordingly.

2A) BTN Push Press (Warmup 5x135-5x155)-3x5x175
2B) Sn Grip Sotts Press (Warmup 5x45-5x65)-3x5x85