Friday, March 22, 2013

My Garage Gym - 300# of bumpers, 125# of iron, Rogue bar, Get RX'd bar, Pendlay squat rack, Bench, 20# wall ball, Prowler push sled, pull-up bar (not constructed yet :P).  Not pictured - Oly lifting area (stall mats), gymnastic rings (outside on tree).

Friday, 3/22/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Morning Workout

Warmup - Jumprope, plyos

Skill - Handstands/walks

Ugly.  I am still the worst handstander ever.  I'm not sure if my shoulder press or my handstands are worse, and that's saying something.

MetCon -
12' handstand walk
Even - Max Reps leg raises
Odd - Max Reps situps

score total on max reps - 118

Maybe kind of getting the handstands by the end.  Was really a dumb "workout" but I'm not going to complain, after the past couple days off it was probably good to start off a little easier so I'm not worn out for 13.3 tomorrow.

Afterward - practiced some wall balls (baseline pace of 45 seconds per 25 wall balls established.  Going to try for three sets of this EMOM then maybe sets of 15 with 10 seconds rest) - practiced muscleups (figured out kipping for the press part, sets of 3-5 probably good).

After Work

Playing with New Squat Rack
Low-bar Back Squat
8 x bar - 5x135 - 3x185 - 3x225 - 1x255 - 1x275 (PR) - 1x295 (PR) - 1x300 (f)

Officially a 30# PR... I knew I was better than the 265# which was the most I'd done before, I'd done 255x3 the last time I low bar squatted.  Went for the 300 after just for the principle of the three-century mark.  Kind of like my 400# deadlift.

A little ugly definitely.  Need to get more comfortable with the low-bar, was lowering myself really slowly because of that I think.  95% sure I hit depth, but I'm biased, so judge for yourself.  If it's a no-rep, it's a no-rep... I'll work up to it again sometime!

1 comment:

  1. Handstand walks...

    ...being short is nice sometimes.
