Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, 4/29/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Morning Workout

Warmup - CFE warmup, mobility

Strength - High Bar Back Squat
6x135 - 5x185 - 4x225 - 3x2x265

Not too terribly difficult.  Have video on my camera but I have to upload it when I get home.  I've got a bit of a mobility issue that surfaces in a butt wink, but I'm not sure where exactly it is, upper back, lower back, hip flexors?  Check it out and weigh in if you'd like (when it's uploaded that is).

EDIT:  Here it is!

MetCon - AMRAP 17
20 supermans
20 pistols (2x strong leg, 3x weak leg)
10 front squats (from ground), 145#
20 double unders
20 supine knees to elbows

4 rounds + 3 pistols

One of my friends was bemoaning the streak of long conditioning focused MetCons with me today, maybe we'll get a few more followers on the short, heavy conditioning train soon.

Also, I am way concerned about my clean technique at the start of the front squats.  I'm not sure if it was just the fact it was in the middle of a workout, that I was wearing my Inov8s instead of lifting shoes (double unders made that necessary) or that I haven't worked on Oly in a week, but I felt really sloppy and like my butt was shooting up altogether too fast.

Some Thoughts:  I just can't give up the group workouts, they are my weekday fun and about the most social activity I get on weekdays as well.  I think I am going to sacrifice quick strength gains of a pure linear progression program and be happy with slower ones, taking what strength work the gym has for the days I go and supplementing to make sure I'm doing squats twice a week, something upper body three times a week and deadlifting once.  And doing assistance work during those supplemental sessions too.

Sunday, 4/28/2013

Rest day.  25 minute walk at dusk to loosen up.

Saturday, 4/27/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Workout

Warmup - CFE warmup, plyos, mobility

Workout -
Part 1:
100 situps (straight leg hands to laces)
100 flutter kicks
100 double unders

Part 2:
6x50m shuttle run (50m there, 50m back) @ :60

Part 3:
2 min Tabata bottom-to-bottom squats
47 reps

Part 4:
one arm pushups

through set of 8 pushups in 8 minute cap

Part 5:
500m run
30 box jumps, 24"
30 situps (same standard)
30 lunge steps
30 pullups

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