Wednesday, February 27, 2013

No picture today.  Still sick, broke into a giant coughing fit after getting done with the MetCon this morning and feel like I haven't actually slept well in a week - and not from waking up, I've actually slept through the night every night recently.

Tuesday, 2/27/2013

Had this whole lifting workout set up, but got out of work a little later than usual and didn't feel good after, so just did squats:

Daily Squat
8 x bar (warmup)

Hmmm... A little twist on this one, not sure if that was the camera angle or something funky with my feet positioning.  And yes, that is oldies on the radio while wearing long socks over compression tights.

Wednesday, 2/28/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Morning Workout

Warmup - 2 min tabata DUs, 15 squats, 15 situps, 15 pushups, mobility

Skill - Rowing - 2x200m uphill rowing
Rope climbs - for technique

//No point in any of this for me really.  200m isn't enough to do anything, and I know how to climb the damn rope.  Coaches also won't let me do anything different during these portions, they are being anal about a lot of things.  Getting close to just going once a week just to get competition in and do stuff I can't do in my garage.

MetCon - In teams of 2
10 50m shuttle runs
100 squats
8 50m shuttle runs
50 burpees
6 50m shuttle runs
50 pullups
4 50m shuttle runs
50 jack knives
2 50m shuttle runs

Something in the 20:00-21:00 range, they gave a 20 min time cap but we were almost done so we finished.  However, my partner was Mr. Can't Count (still not sure if he loses track or does it on purpose).  For example, he did 18 air squats and told me he was at 25 and it was my turn.  To his credit though, anytime I told him he miscounted he finished the reps up.

Not sure if I want to go to the doc again for this cough, etc. yet.  I don't want to be a hypochondriac but I also don't want whatever this is to turn into something serious like pnuemonia.

After Work

Garage Gym

Daily Squat
8 x bar (warmup)

Maybe went a little deeper than usual, had to get past a sticking point.  But again, not too much trouble.

Deadlift - Just felt like picking up something moderately heavy.
5x225 (warmup)
4x3x330 (all the weight I have)

This is set #3:


  1. Lookin strong buddy! Did you do 2 squat sessions today?

    1. Nope, one was Tues and one was today. Just didnt get a chance to post yesterdays.
