Monday, February 11, 2013

Recap of competition.  Feeling terrible with this cold/flu/whatever I caught on Friday that this is mostly a copy-paste job.

#1: "Air Force WOD"

At start and EMOM, 4 hand release burpees
20 Thrusters
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead
20 OHS
20 Front Squat
All at 95#
12 min time cap.

Got through 10 front squats. Still placed in the 40s out of 60.

500m row
Box Jump, 30"
500m row

9:22. Was in the 30s for this one. Thought I would do better but missed on a few box jumps and apparently I'm still not very good at TTB.

3 Thruster, 165#
Ball Slams, 40# ball

14 ball slams. Finished two rounds, was third to last. Here's where it got squirrely. The standard for RXd was to be able to do several reps at 145#. My most recent thruster 1RM was 165 and 3RM was 155, and both of those were from a rack-this was from the ground. I was actually pretty happy I got 2 full rounds even though I had to watch everybody go for 5 more minutes.

Bonus WOD: Obstacle Course
1 rope climb, 20ft
yoke walk (455#, about 20ft)
2 forward rolls
wall climb, 7ft wall
4 tire flips, 300ish lbs?
Then reverse


Best finish of the competition, 20th place. You could do it whenever you wanted to so me and a teammate raced it first thing.

Competition day 2:

Woke up sore, of course. And with a sore throat and stuffy nose. Stupid cold. Was pretty ready to go though.

WOD #4: In three parts - 
AMRAP 1.5 chest-to-bar pullups right into
AMRAP 1.5 KB swings, 2.5 pood (88 lbs) right into
4 minutes to find 2RM front squat, bar starting from ground.

25 pullups, 12 KB swings, 215 front squat. Was in the middle of the pack for the first two and near the bottom for the last one. Apparently I was actually doing my pullups as almost stomach-to-bar, they were stressing in the standard that they wanted the bar to hit under nipple line but they were giving people reps up at the collarbone. I wasn't sure if I could get any of the swings but I managed to do sets of 4. Then the front squat I got my 1RM for two, I think I should have gone for 225 in hindsight.

WOD #5:
AMRAP 9 - 7 power clean, 185#; 21 wall balls, 20#; 42 double unders
straight into putting weights on bar and
AMRAP 5 - 5 deadlift, 315#; 3 muscleups
straight into removing weight from bar and
AMRAP 3 - Snatch, 165#

Part 1 - 2 rounds + 21 DUs
Part 2 - 2 rounds + 1 DL
Part 3 - 4 snatch

This one was fun, 6 of my favorite CF movements. Couldn't get into a rhythm in the DUs at times, which sucked. DL was heavy, I can't rep out 315 but I got it without hurting myself. Got complemented on my muscleups too, which was pretty cool. As for the snatch, I was planning on changing into my Oly shoes and trying to get one rep, since my 1RM squat snatch is 175 and I'd never done more than 145 power, but I realized I just didn't have time so I said screw it and went for the power and managed four. Sprawled my legs a little bit, but no pressout, so I was happy with that.

Final finish, 41/60. Third from my box out of seven, and I know some things I have to work on (chiefly just getting stronger. Lots of squats coming up soon). Glad I did RXd even though it was maybe a little over my head, from what I saw I would have killed scaled.

Yes, I know.  TL;DR.  I'll try to spice it up a little bit, maybe add pictures, when I feel better.

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