Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, 1/23/2013

Crossfit Edwardsville WOD

Warmup - CFE Warmup, plyos, 20 air squats, 10 pushups

//Much better, actually felt lose after doing some moving around instead of just a couple down and back in the gym

Strength - Squat to 3RM
135-155-185-205-225-245 PR-265x1 PR

//Two PRs in one session!  Got the 3RM, which was my old 1RM, pretty easily, then got the 1RM not too bad but got stuck at the bottom on the 2nd rep.  Form felt solid and I was pretty explosive throughout.

MetCon -
8 Squats, 135# (bar starts from ground beginning of set)
10 CTB pullups
12 KB shoulder-to-overhead, 1.5 pood (6 per arm)

Thoughts:  That was a good, strength-focused workout for me.  Glad to get a little bit of pressing in the MetCon, and that's a decent weight for my underdeveloped pressing skills.  Squatting was fun, I think I have more in the tank for the 1 repper, but I probably should have tried 255 for the last 3 instead of 265.

Body:  Recovering well, except my back.  It's still tight, and it was pretty bad sitting at work this morning.  Got to go get a foam roller - tomorrow, for sure.


  1. Distracted by the picture of you that makes you look naked HAHAHAHA.

    The other pic is hardcore though.

  2. The answer is ALWAYS to squat.
