Sunday, January 27, 2013

My funny thing for today is something you can experiment with for yourself... on YouTube, you can look at a "transcript" of a video.  It seems that this is something the website tries to interpret itself, so you end up with something like this video:

where it says the announcer says at the 6 second mark:
"undermines my kids and we're going to have an interest in sex"

.......... huh? 

Sunday, 1/27/2013

Garage Workout

Warmup - Plyos, Burgener warmup

Oly Lift Work -
Snatch Grip Deadlift - 5x135-5x185-5x225
High Hang Snatch - 5x1x95-4x1x115-3x1x135

MetCon -
Nik's Thread WOD

6 rounds (not for time) -
3 Back Squat, 200# (75% of 1RM)
10 ring pushups
45 seconds rest

Then, 100 situps for time (2:57)

Not feeling much like expounding on stuff today, it was pretty straightforward.  Need to keep working on snatch technique!

Body:  Feels good!  Shoulder is tight, but that's normal (it's my bad shoulder from swimming).  Rolled a little bit afterward, getting more used to it.


  1. HAHAHA how did you come across that?

    1. Was looking at lifting videos, and thought "hey, what do those buttons do?"
