Tuesday, January 22, 2013


This may or may not have been how I felt today ^

Tuesday, 1/22/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Morning WOD

Warmup - CFE Warmup

//I'm getting tired of not getting enough warmup.  This did not get me loose at all.  Good thing we didn't do any Oly lifting.

Skills - Med Ball Cleans, Wall Balls, Rowing

//Three things I have down pat already.  Trying to eke out every little bit of efficiency.

MetCon - Modified Jackie
1000m row
50 Thrusters, 45#
100 double unders

Thoughts:  Rowing and thrusters were good, I think my 1000m split was 3:12, which I'm happy with since I was pacing for the upcoming stuff.  I'm still having trouble with the DUs.  I end up wearing out my wrists and arms after about 30 unbroken.  There's got to be something technique-wise I'm missing, I'll post a video here at some point.  Just kind of a frustrating workout overall, between not enough warmup, skills that didn't push me with no strength work, frustrating double unders and a guy I was competing with skipping reps.  I know the last one shouldn't get to me, but the pissed-offness just built up to a head a little.

Body:  A little poor on sleep the past few days.  Will try to catch up very soon.  Also my mid back has a little kink.  Sore in the tricep/bicep regions for the past couple days, but recovering well there.


  1. Bummer man...hate it when all of those things happen. I don't go to an affiliate often but when I do the coach usually lets me do something else if the skill work is something I already have down - maybe talk to them about that?

    Regarding the cheater, have you seen this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=EHuJsw5OXFI

    1. Ha! Had never seen that. And yeah, I should think about doing that. The way they do the workouts it might be a little weird to just be off on my own while everybody else is doing the same stuff though.

      The coaches keep asking me to go to the competitor's (read - coaches') workouts, but I keep telling them my start time for work isn't going to change to let me make 7 AM.

  2. Yeah, tell them to change the time of the coach's class. You gotta flip that shit around on THEM so you're the on one in control!
