Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Argyle Sweater

Ha, ha!

Wednesday, 1/30/2013

CFE Morning Workout

Warmup - CFE Warmup, plyos, mobility

//They are getting better at doing warmups.  Actually feel relatively loose most of the time.

Strength - 
4 Rounds
Pendlay Row x 5 (95-115-135-155)
Knee Jumps x 3 (onto ground-ground-45-2x45s)
Standing Sled Pull (Sled + 4x45s)

MetCon - 

6 Deadlifts, 225#
7 Burpee Pullups
10 KB Swings, 2 pood
20 Double Unders

6 rounds + 2 DLs

Thoughts:  Whoa.  That was a good one.  Was going rep-for-rep with the guy across from me for the first 5 rounds, pulled ahead for the last one.  Of course, rep-skipper boy didn't get his own bar for the DLs (apparently we still don't have enough), so I have a strong suspicion that he just skipped those when the bars close by were occupied.  Again, shouldn't bother me but kind of does.

Body:  Back was on fire after that.  Brought foam roller to work and hit it a couple times, it's kind of awkward trying to be quiet in the office doing that!  Other than that, good.  Haven't felt overly tired at work all week so far, and tomorrow's the last weekday because I'm taking a vacation day Friday to go to my brother's senior recognition swim meet and stay over the night... should be fun.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

^^ My garage today.  Went to go out to the garage and leave for work, and found it very, very damp.  I guess you get a very sweaty floor when the humidity jumps and it goes from 20 to 60 degrees in one day!  It's alright, just had to dodge or dry the extra-slippery parts and work around it.

Tuesday, 1/29/2013

Garage Lifting

Warmup - Lunges, mobility, plyos, Cal Strength clean progressions

Strength -

Squat Clean -



Decline Bench Press -

Back Squat -


Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday, 1/28/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Workout

Warmup - CFE warmup, plyos, mobility
Warmup Challege - 100 DUs for time - 1:19
Burgener warmup

//Started out feeling pretty good after this.  Not to mention it was 50 degrees this morning so I didn't have to unfreeze my body pre-workout!

Strength - Max Snatch (full snatch)
bar - 3x1x95 - 135(f), 2x1x135 - 155(f), 155 - 165 PR - 175(f), 175 PR

//Awesome.  15# PR right there, and it felt pretty smooth.  Just got to keep getting stronger and those Olympic lifts will come, my technique is starting to get there.  Oh, and I got the most of the lift by 20# over everybody there this morning.  I'm trying to stay up with the coaches, who are all between 175-185.

MetCon -
Hang Power Clean, 135#
KB Swing, 2 pood
Box Jump, 30"
Sets of 1, 2, 3, etc.

8 rounds + 7 cleans

//Crushed it.  Everything unbroken, just took a couple short breaks to grab a drink.

Thoughts:  Felt really good today.  Gearing up for big St Louis area competition next weekend, my first individual RX'd competition.  Only thing might be that I'm overdue to sand down my calluses.  Don't want to rip before/durning that.

Body:  Good.  Shoulder bugging me but it's always on and off.  Caught up on sleep this weekend, now that I have my bar back I don't have to go to the box every morning, so that'll let me get a little extra sleep a couple nights.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

My funny thing for today is something you can experiment with for yourself... on YouTube, you can look at a "transcript" of a video.  It seems that this is something the website tries to interpret itself, so you end up with something like this video:

where it says the announcer says at the 6 second mark:
"undermines my kids and we're going to have an interest in sex"

.......... huh? 

Sunday, 1/27/2013

Garage Workout

Warmup - Plyos, Burgener warmup

Oly Lift Work -
Snatch Grip Deadlift - 5x135-5x185-5x225
High Hang Snatch - 5x1x95-4x1x115-3x1x135

MetCon -
Nik's Thread WOD

6 rounds (not for time) -
3 Back Squat, 200# (75% of 1RM)
10 ring pushups
45 seconds rest

Then, 100 situps for time (2:57)

Not feeling much like expounding on stuff today, it was pretty straightforward.  Need to keep working on snatch technique!

Body:  Feels good!  Shoulder is tight, but that's normal (it's my bad shoulder from swimming).  Rolled a little bit afterward, getting more used to it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

What is going on here?

Friday, 1/25/2013

Crossfit Edwardsville Workout

Warmup: CFE Warmup, Plyos, Mobility, shuttle runs

Strength:  Dynamic Effort - 
12x3 supersets of...
speed weighted ring dips (23# vest)
explosive pushups

//This was pretty good stuff here.  Lots of "pressing" kind of exercise, which is my weakness by far.  "Explosive" means some kind of either superman pushups or clap pushups.

MetCon:  Death by Pullups
EMOM - 1 pullup, 2 pullups, 3 pullups, etc... till failure

They had me go as far as I could with Death by Muscleup before I went to pullups.  Made it through the round of 6, and 4 in the round of 7.  Then jumped into the pullups and made the round of 12.  By then my arms were pretty well toast and I didn't even try the set of 13.

Cashout - 50 V-situps

Thoughts:  I liked it!  Could have gone further in the muscleups, I think, if there hadn't been all those dips beforehand, but that's ok.  You do what you can with what you have.  I do absolutely love having a ceiling in the new gym that's high enough to hang rings so I have to jump to get up to them.  Don't have to worry about feet scraping on the ground on the pull.  And!  I got to pick up my bar and weights today.  So Thread WOD #3 either tomorrow night or Sunday morning.

Body:  Unsurprisingly, my lats and triceps are feeling it right now.  Foam rolled the back a couple times so it's feeling better.  Maybe get some extra sleep tonight since I can wake up a couple hours later.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pearls Before Swine

Thursday, 1/24/2013

Rest Day!

Thoughts:  Just got home from work, stopped at Sports Authority and picked up that foam roller, and also a belt while I was there.  Hopefully this will solve the tight back!

Edit:  Oh, man, that did feel good!  Plus I finally found out the box doesn't need my bar or weights anymore.  Back to my garage!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday, 1/23/2013

Crossfit Edwardsville WOD

Warmup - CFE Warmup, plyos, 20 air squats, 10 pushups

//Much better, actually felt lose after doing some moving around instead of just a couple down and back in the gym

Strength - Squat to 3RM
135-155-185-205-225-245 PR-265x1 PR

//Two PRs in one session!  Got the 3RM, which was my old 1RM, pretty easily, then got the 1RM not too bad but got stuck at the bottom on the 2nd rep.  Form felt solid and I was pretty explosive throughout.

MetCon -
8 Squats, 135# (bar starts from ground beginning of set)
10 CTB pullups
12 KB shoulder-to-overhead, 1.5 pood (6 per arm)

Thoughts:  That was a good, strength-focused workout for me.  Glad to get a little bit of pressing in the MetCon, and that's a decent weight for my underdeveloped pressing skills.  Squatting was fun, I think I have more in the tank for the 1 repper, but I probably should have tried 255 for the last 3 instead of 265.

Body:  Recovering well, except my back.  It's still tight, and it was pretty bad sitting at work this morning.  Got to go get a foam roller - tomorrow, for sure.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This may or may not have been how I felt today ^

Tuesday, 1/22/2013

CrossFit Edwardsville Morning WOD

Warmup - CFE Warmup

//I'm getting tired of not getting enough warmup.  This did not get me loose at all.  Good thing we didn't do any Oly lifting.

Skills - Med Ball Cleans, Wall Balls, Rowing

//Three things I have down pat already.  Trying to eke out every little bit of efficiency.

MetCon - Modified Jackie
1000m row
50 Thrusters, 45#
100 double unders

Thoughts:  Rowing and thrusters were good, I think my 1000m split was 3:12, which I'm happy with since I was pacing for the upcoming stuff.  I'm still having trouble with the DUs.  I end up wearing out my wrists and arms after about 30 unbroken.  There's got to be something technique-wise I'm missing, I'll post a video here at some point.  Just kind of a frustrating workout overall, between not enough warmup, skills that didn't push me with no strength work, frustrating double unders and a guy I was competing with skipping reps.  I know the last one shouldn't get to me, but the pissed-offness just built up to a head a little.

Body:  A little poor on sleep the past few days.  Will try to catch up very soon.  Also my mid back has a little kink.  Sore in the tricep/bicep regions for the past couple days, but recovering well there.

Monday, January 21, 2013


I've decided to move my training log to a more permanent home.  To recap, here's a little about me:

I was a competitive swimmer for 13 years, through high school and college.  I competed at a high enough level to be a multiple DII All-American, but I was no superstar!  In high school, I also ran cross country and track.  None of these, of course, stressed strength.  Before starting CrossFit in April 2012, I had a spotty relationship with the barbell and other strength regimes.  I've always been on the scrawny side, the weight I am now is the heaviest I've ever been.


6'2", 185#  



Fran - 5:32
Grace - 3:16
Isabel - 5:45
Jackie - 9:30
Nancy - 14:42

400m run - :54
Mile run - 4:51
500m row - 1:28.8
2000m row - 7:09


  1. Get stronger.  Short term, I want to get to pressing a plate, benching 2, squatting 3 and deadlifting 4.  Longer term, I'd love to add a plate to each of those.  I don't want weightlifting and the requisite mass that comes with it to take away the advantages I have in the speed and conditioning departments though.
  2. Compete.  I'm on the borderline of the Scaled and RX'd divisions of CF competitions, and I want to be proficient enough in everything to be a confident RX'er.  Outside of CF, I would honestly love to get back into swimming a little.  Not something I'm going to do unless I have the time and energy to devote to get myself back into racing shape again though, which is the hard part.
  3. Gain weight.  This goes back to #1 a little in that I don't want to get so big I can't run anymore.  I'm thinking getting to 195# in the next 6 months would be perfect.

Can't say "here goes," because I'm not starting a new program or anything, just continuing my log here, but the first workout entry will be coming up for tomorrow morning's workout.  I'll try to be a little less dry in the future, maybe get some funnies in there to lighten up the monotony of reps, weights and times :)