Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, 8/23/2013

CFE Morning Workout

Warmup - plyos, stretching

"Strength" -
3 Deadlift, 315#
15 wall ball shots, 20#

Made it through 6 rounds, was the only one who even did the 15 balls, since there was options for 8 and 10.  Coach:  "We're going to require you to drop the deadlift at the top each rep to save your back for 'squat retesting' on Monday and Tuesday."  REALLY?  1) How is that going to do anything to save you for a 1RM squat in 3 or 4 days?  2) You say that, and then have a crapload of wall balls?  And people wonder why I don't come in to CFE organized classes that often.

Conditioning -
In teams of three
1 mile (10 laps) relay run
1600m row
1 mile (10 laps) partner carry

20 minute time cap, team made it through almost 4 laps of partner carry.

Things I learned - 1) I can still run fast, or at least faster than anybody at CFE by a pretty long shot.  2) I can still row fast, but I have lost a lot of stamina in that.  3) I suck at partner carries!

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