Friday, December 20, 2013

Been way behind in entries, so here's a little recap of the last two weeks, by exercise:

Snatch - Staying very consistant.  Been between 100-103kg pretty much every day, with a 230#er thrown in there last Friday.  Usually missing very little, even on the higher percentages.  Happy with these right now.  As for powers, got up to 210# the past couple weeks. 

Clean & Jerk - Staying at 115kg, that's about when the cleans start to grind.  The pull has been a little off and on the past couple weeks, seems like I am ending up too far forward as often as not.  Will clean that up whenever this squat cycle ends, though that could be awhile.  Jerks are on point.  Haven't missed a jerk for at least a month.  Powers to 250#, though there may be a little bit of wide-foot catch going on.  Those are on Thursdays and I just don't quite have the same pop that late in the week.

Squats - Grinding away.  Did 3x140, 4x3x142 (3,2,2,1) last week and 3x140, 4x3x143 (3,3,3,3) this week so that was improvement.  On the other hand, did 5x133, 3x5x135 (5,5,5), 5x137 last week and 5x135, 5x137 (3), 3x5x137 (5,3,5) this week and it was a heck of a fight.  3x10x270# on that Friday lift day.  Front squats, hit a 290# triple but just didn't feel strong on the double and single that day.

Assistance - Onward and upward.  Back strengthening stuff is just goat work.  Presses going up for the most part, topped at 3x10x185# bench, 3x5x185# push press and 2x10x110, 1x10x105 strict press.  That strict press stuff isn't too fun still, but I guess it's getting better.  Some sots press and weighted pullup action to, as usual.

Going out of town this weekend/beginning of next week for pre-Christmas family visit.  Trying to find a place to get one workout in, but the CF gym I visited last year doesn't seem to want to get back to me, and there's not a whole lot of weightlifting presence in Rockford in general.  I suppose if I can't find anything, a rest and some good mobility work wouldn't be bad for me, woke up yesterday feeling like a truck ran me over and that feeling didn't go away until I started power cleaning.  Still not feeling great today.  Not sick or hurt, just worn out I think - first time I've felt this way since starting this squat cycle.

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