Monday, January 21, 2013


I've decided to move my training log to a more permanent home.  To recap, here's a little about me:

I was a competitive swimmer for 13 years, through high school and college.  I competed at a high enough level to be a multiple DII All-American, but I was no superstar!  In high school, I also ran cross country and track.  None of these, of course, stressed strength.  Before starting CrossFit in April 2012, I had a spotty relationship with the barbell and other strength regimes.  I've always been on the scrawny side, the weight I am now is the heaviest I've ever been.


6'2", 185#  



Fran - 5:32
Grace - 3:16
Isabel - 5:45
Jackie - 9:30
Nancy - 14:42

400m run - :54
Mile run - 4:51
500m row - 1:28.8
2000m row - 7:09


  1. Get stronger.  Short term, I want to get to pressing a plate, benching 2, squatting 3 and deadlifting 4.  Longer term, I'd love to add a plate to each of those.  I don't want weightlifting and the requisite mass that comes with it to take away the advantages I have in the speed and conditioning departments though.
  2. Compete.  I'm on the borderline of the Scaled and RX'd divisions of CF competitions, and I want to be proficient enough in everything to be a confident RX'er.  Outside of CF, I would honestly love to get back into swimming a little.  Not something I'm going to do unless I have the time and energy to devote to get myself back into racing shape again though, which is the hard part.
  3. Gain weight.  This goes back to #1 a little in that I don't want to get so big I can't run anymore.  I'm thinking getting to 195# in the next 6 months would be perfect.

Can't say "here goes," because I'm not starting a new program or anything, just continuing my log here, but the first workout entry will be coming up for tomorrow morning's workout.  I'll try to be a little less dry in the future, maybe get some funnies in there to lighten up the monotony of reps, weights and times :)


  1. Looks like we're on the same page.
